The Camp Trust board and dedicated users would like to give public thanks.
An amazing resource such as Waiotapu Camp can’t exist, nor can it continue to exist, without significant support, financial backing, and long-term foundational resources provided by the people and organisations we would like to acknowledge on this page.
Here are are our “invisible whanau” from the last 15 years:
Platinum Support

Rotorua Trust (Rotorua Electricity Charitable Trust – or RECT) have provided steadfast support to Waiotapu Camp.
Our community continues to benefit from their support through many of their supported projects. We are proud to be one of them.
Gold Support
Okataina Trust (The Okataina 10 Trust) are another of our supporters providing one of the cornerstones in our support network.
Their generosity and steadfast backing of Waiotapu Camp has ensured it continues to provide valuable outdoor and environmental education experiences for our region’s young people

A sincere and heartfelt “thank you” goes to
2014 First Sovereign Trust $6414 Insurance costs
2014 Rotary North- $1500 operating expenses
2014 Rotorua Energy Charitable Trust R.E.C.T. $24,546 Mattresses and gas heating in Hall, Operating Costs
2014 R.E.C.T. $3000 operating expenses
2015 Southern Trust $3640 LPG Water Heating in Kitchen
2015 Lion Foundation $2000 – Fridges
2015 Four Winds $1200 – Brush Cutter
2015 First Sovereign Trust $4461 – Insurance costs
2015 R.E.C.T $3000 operating expenses
2016 Infinity Foundation $3000 – Shipping Container
2016 First Sovereign $6850 Insurance
2016 Lion Foundation $1000 Deep Freeze
2016 R.E.C.T. $3000 operating expenses
2017 R.E.C.T. $3000 operating expenses
2017 First Sovereign $6850 Insurance
2017 Southern Trust $8500 Lawn Mower
2018 Lion Foundation $1350 Door for Shipping Container
2018 R.E.C.T. $3000 operating expenses
2018 Okataina Trust $13000 Insurance
2019 Lion Foundation $4000 Gas Stove & Oven
2019 R.E.C.T. $3000 operating expenses
2019 Okataina Trust $15000 Insurance
2020 R.E.C.T. $3000 Operation Grant
2020 Okataina Trust $14000 Insurance
2020 FRESTRA Club $50,000 Maintenance funds
2021 Okataina Trust $14000 Insurance
2021 One Foundation $1200 Bbq
2021 R.E.C.T. $9000 Cool Room
2021 R.E.C.T $3000 Operating expenses
2021 FRESTRA Club $15,000 Maintenance funding
2022 Kiwanis $4000 Playground
2022 Okataina Trust $14000 Insurance
Total $248,511
Simply amazing.
Words can never be enough.
But on behalf of the Camp’s Trust board and the many users of Waiotapu Camp:
Thank you.
(the following are in chronological order)

A brief word about recent challenges…
Like many other organisations, and like many whanau, the recent Covid years have proved difficult for even the most basic elements of survival.
Waiotapu Camp was not immune to the challenges that “the new normal” of Covid brought to its people. The Trust Board and supporters managed the camp through a very financially challenging time.
This became possible, in part, because of the Trusts and Community Supporting Organisations listed above.
The “invisible” people behind those trusts can not be thanked in person – just know your work is as critical as it is appreciated.
Ngā mihi nui ki a koe.